From the days of our childhood to running behind and inculcating the same values in our children, milk has not left our households. It is true to the deepest core, that pure and quality milk is the backbone of well-being. Not just as a drink, even in our Indian delicacies like Shahi Paneer, Kulfi, Milk cake to name a few have importance and values when consumed.
Why A2 milk?
A2 milk does not only guarantee high levels of calcium, vitamins and minerals, protein, but it is rich in Omega-3-fatty acids, which are excellent when it comes to blood pressure and stress management. A2 cow milk is not only high in quality but great in taste as well, it is pure and free from any form of adulterants to make it look appealing. The blood pressure reducing abilities of this milk makes it an excellent choice to kick start the day for those, who feel stressed in the morning and are frequent users of blood pressure medication.
This A2 variety of quality milk is rich in beta-casein which gives it high levels of protein. Varieties of milk are known to cause discomfort in the stomach, bloating, gas, and many other problems. A2 milk solves this problem, it contains peptides that make it easier to digest and aid in the digestion of proteins and fats.
Why choose Merrymoo?
With our wide range of pure and high-quality A2 milk products, we also give the promise of sustainable health when you shop from us. Our core values revolve around the production and distribution of milk for long-term well-being.
Contrary to manufacturers in the market, we do not use machinery and technology in the milking of our cows, as we do not believe in compromising with the quality of the milk, to maintain its high quality and purity. Our A2 milk is extracted using traditional methods of milking that are beneficial, both for our cattle, and the customer, as the health and well-being of our customers is the ultimate priority. Our A2 milk comes from Sahiwal cows, a variety of Zebu breed found in Punjab, which is famous for its creamy milk and is known to have resistance to heat and tropical diseases.
Our core values are not just limited to our customers, we take care of our cattle in the same way as our family, we do not even call them cattle, they are our Farm family because without them we are nothing. We have a ventilated and well-lit shed for the cows to feel at home, we do not have them tied or in any form of the formation while grazing, they are free to roam as and when they please. The fodder that they graze on is liked by them, is healthy for them as is the backbone of the high quality that resonates in the A2 quality milk and all other products. We nurture the bond between the mother and the child at our farms, we take pride in our calves and high care is given to them, a bond and a value that runs the legacy of milk in our households.
Come and try our tasty, pure, and high-quality A2 Milk, Buffalo Milk, Cow Milk, A2 Paneer and A2 Ghee!